Pretend it's Real ..

There are so many things in this world that makes one sad every day. Either it is the anxiety when your exams are around the corner or the rejection from the present girl.
Let me tell you a trick to be happy.
Keep dreaming.
No I mean seriously, keep dreaming. Keep believing that whatever you want will come true. I'll tell you why.........Wait! Do I really?
Well yeah for all those who think I'm trying to bore you here and because I can't write something so small.
It's because when you love something or someone it doesn't hurt to make them your's in your dreams. It's actually completely fine ........but yeah please don't try to do the same thing in real life unless it is actually your's, especially in case of a "someone". Or else I hear a lot of sound effects coming from your side.
Pretending doesn't hurt unless it makes you a psychopathic criminal. Pretension of a particular situation is one way to keep the sadness away, even if it is because of that same situation.
Again just don't let it make you obsess over it, unless it's your career because it helps in that case.
Don't get me wrong, here I'm telling you to keep on dreaming and then chattering about not getting obsessed with what you want. You need to know how to obsess over something and how not to.
If you're in love with someone (prime and most famous example) and that person has left you or you've not even won her yet, main thing is you love her and it's been 2 years. Now some say "It's not love, it's obsession." but you disagree. Let's say they are partly right if not fully. Thing is love is a bit of an obsession no matter how you try to define it, a bit is there until when you move on but one should never let it go to a point where the negative parts begin to come out.
Obsess over her, believe inside your pretty little head that she's your's, make memories, have kids for all she cares, heck maybe even imagine yourself making her smile again when she's sad and then acting cool, but don't let it affect you greatly. Always let your dreaming relieve you momentarily, let it push you to try to get it and help you reach those points when you're having it but never ever force it.
Now I'll answer the million dollar question:
Why will it help keep the sadness away if it's the same thing that's the problem?
Well you see, that's because your mind wants it and it's that same mind that tells you to be sad because of it. You need to tell that idiot that "See! You got it!" then it will stop acting up, fool it basically.
We all know how this basically works regarding careers so it's without a doubt I don't need to emphasize about it. Just keep on believing you'll get there and don't leave your passion(s) regarding that. Yeah but pretend about that too, it helps to know what exactly it looks like there at that place you are about to go to. See yourself giving your interview at a talk show and imagine what questions you're being asked and what you're answering, how you're answering and how you're setting your own trend.
On a whole, keep pretending. Keep believing. It's your own little reality which you're trying to make for others too.



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