The Lone Star Statuette
Lone Star Statuette
As she
stood a step in the distance
I was a
lifetime apart but yet so close
satisfaction towards the corner of her smile
Merry times
led to a withering flower
With petals
that curled in over it’s beautiful veins of insecurity
loudly, controlling the fear on her reins in obscurity
Cast away
in dimensions, treading on varied simplicity
A tear flowed
in silence, the smile blew away a thousand hearts
The red
lineage of her bitter monuments, I stared into her servitude
A mellow
piece of my ecstasy beneath the west wind raindrops
The veins
cried out a whisper that reached deep within my malt-ish vine
into my Neverland she bit through a thousand pasts
The touch
she pushed inside worrying inches of my light heartbeats
Swollen and
sorry as I looked past her colorful cries
Heaped and
dark, rash and definitely not mine to wonder
I got up as
I swam past her Spaniards, reached the dusked up destination
I took a
roundabout across memories of sadness, a left took me to another zone
Lost I got
as I slipped into a trance, her embrace made me feel at home
Slim was
her sensibility, sweetly swollen was her hair
Messed in
senses, a Evangeline structure ripped bare
The crimson
serenity stripped to no amends
Her fair
complexion bewitched past a thousand stares
yet cautious I entered into the solemn seduction
A raw
merriment so pure, the crisps of the sides prismed sore
past self-psychosis, as she continued her invasion
Days passed
by in an universe that intersected in collision
I felt her
scent as I outran her inner melancholy
I carried
fast while I pictured her bliss, insinuatingly jolly
dominance I played to a river of her solitude
I confessed
upon her inner angel, she broke fortitude
I looked
into the soul of her inner, mesmerizing
I crept
into her consciousness twice, thrice surprising
As she
rejected all through her frequent rants
self-seduced seduction in loud whispers
When she
cried inside her inner sanctum
My hidden
essence could hear her weep
numerous bare heavens, she hid the burnt doorways
her body with certain joy, my thoughts felt like sto-waways
Writhing in
a beckoning so high I took her close
Her slender
arms and legs left me comatose
As I called
to her shadows, the soft skin so brown and bright
I risked
all and dipped into her, holding her insecurities very tight
relationship set back in time, in a parallel existence
within waters of memory, a kiss that put the lights out
She dispelled
into pestilence, scared me with masterful mania
Hid through
every hasty handful, she played through the emotional field
Struck with
darkened interference, I was licked by a foolish intolerance
I caressed
her dry, treading into a torrid feeling which got to my sense
As I walked
away from her brown eyes, I rode into a different sunset
Dressed her
in silence, every time coming back to where we first met
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