Esya'17: The Sixth Edition

                                                            Esya'17: The Sixth Edition

Esya is the annual science and technology fest of IIIT Delhi. It provides a platform for students to develop and showcase their technical prowess. It is a two-day fest that will include various tech and non-tech events which will help students furnish as well as showcase their talents. It is a platform for as the platform for not only showcasing technical expertise and challenging the best in their fields, but also integrating technology with social cause.


The sixth edition of Esya is based on the most sought-after and revolutionary theme ‘Digital India’. Digital India consists of three core components-

1. The creation of digital infrastructure
2. Delivery of services digitally
3. Digital literacy

Digital India is a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge
economy. It is a revolution which will ameliorate connectivity, sharing of information and resolution of hitches in real time.
Esya is a medium which will provide information on the concept of Digital India. The tech fest is a perfect milieu for students to assimilate unprecedented information and help educate and foster


Esya'17 is going to conduct several diverse events under tech as well as non-tech. Under tech events, we have CSE as well as ECE events.

CSE events include- Brainfuzz, Design 360, Code in Less, Darwin Games, HackIIITD, Procon, Procon Junior, Teechathlon, Prosort, SegFault, Toast to code and HackOn. These events will not only put your coding and software skills to test but will also help to improve and develop your thinking process.
ECE events include- Circuitrix, Circuitrix Junior, Hakk Overflow, RoboSoccer RoboWars and RoboCon. These events are going to force you to put your thinking hats on and set the best of brains abuzz.
Non-tech events include- SpeedCubing, HuntIt, 16 Words To Go, Chess, Faking the Research, FOQS, Big Bang, Quiz Time, Pwned, Poker, MockStock and MiniMilitia. These are the fun-filled events of Esya'17 which will make not only bring out the competitive spirit in you but also ensure that you have  good time.

All the events in Esya'17 will be based on the theme Digital India. The theme of Esya'17 will be incorporated in the hackathons, problem statements and coding challenges. Our main aim is to create awareness about Digital India and motivate peoople to acknowledge it.

Workshops :

Workshops are pivotal to any techfest and similarly Esya'17 will conduct various workshops where students will be taught the basics of programming and circuit design. We will be conducting two tech events mainly for the school children, namely procon junior and circuitrix junior, to encourage young talent. Bonus marks will be given for admission in our college. The workshops will be conducted under guidance from various fields and will attract students oind to its quality content.

Social Initiatives :

As part of social initiatives, Esya'17 will be an active promoter of Himmat App which was launched by the Home Minister on 1st January 2015. The collaboration between Esya'17 and the Delhi Police is intended to raise awareness about women safety. This app is a woman safety mobile application of Delhi Police.
Also, we will conduct tutorials and workshops in different social communities and to students of government schools to help them understand the theme 'Digital India' and encourage them to go faceless, paperless and cashless.
The money from going paperless will be spent on buying books for underprivileged students. Additionally, a blood donation drive wll be held in the campus on both days of the fest as always.


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